



The 心理学 program at ISU encourages a spirit of active inquiry and critical thinking, life-long learning and development and social responsibility. The curriculum is based on the premise that any student of psychology, 不管项目目标如何, should be well-informed about basic principles of behavior. The undergraduate degree in psychology prepares students for graduate studies in psychology and related fields as well as employment in a variety of settings including health services, 研究, 政府与企业.

The 心理学系 offers both undergraduate and graduate programs. 我们的研究生课程包括硕士(硕士)学位.A./M.S.) in General 心理学 and a Doctoral program (小组.D.临床心理学.

We also have a 心理诊所 that provides services to students and members of the Terre Haute community.


The 心理学系 assists students to achieve their personal and professional potential through training in scientific methods and discipline-specific knowledge, promoting a spirit of active inquiry and critical thought, 培养社会责任感.


We are currently hiring for tenure track positions in 临床心理学 and Experimental 心理学.  请点击 在这里 查看位置.



心理学教授:博士. 米歇尔·赖特

米歇尔·赖特 米歇尔·F. 赖特,Ph值.D., graduated from DePaul University's Experimental 心理学 program in 2012.  Michelle has worked as a postdoctoral 研究 fellow at Masaryk University in Czechia, 宾夕法尼亚州立大学的研究助理, and senior 研究 scientist at DePaul University.  Michelle joined ISU's 心理学 Department in the fall of 2023.  Michelle's graduate and postdoctoral training focused on understanding risk and protective factors asociated with children's, 青少年的, 年轻人接触线下(如.g.(如仇恨言论)和网络(如仇恨言论).g., 网络欺凌)的风险, as well as how to improve the reach and engagemnt in tnervention programs through the utilization of technology.  在ISU, Michelle is eager to continue this line of 研究 through engaging undergraduate and graduate students in 研究.  在米歇尔的业余时间, she enjoys political activism and volunteering for organizations that adress food insecurity.


勒罗伊·理查森 勒罗伊·理查森 obtained his bachelor's in psychology from Indiana State University in 2015.  通过很多心理学课程, Leroy was able to gain an understanding of the field of psychology and the importance of psychological 研究.  He participated in various psychology studies and also assisted faculty with their 研究.  One memory that stands out to Leroy is a field trip to the Peoria State Hospital with Dr. 施里弗变态心理学课程, w在这里 he learned about the history of many of the patients that resided t在这里.  从ISU毕业后, Leroy served two years as an Americorps member w在这里 he mentored and supported elementary school students with the education non-profit City Year.  In 2023, Leroy obtained his Master's in Student Affairs in Higher Education from Ball State University.  Leroy currently works at an education non-profit in Washington, D.C., w在这里 he continues to use the skills obtained from his studies at ISU to make meaningful connections with students.

心理学 研究生 Student Spotlight: 凯特·巴顿

凯特·巴顿 凯特·巴顿 is a second-year graduate student in the clinical psychology doctoral program at ISU.  来自坦帕市, FL, 凯特一直住在代顿, 哦,还有波基普西, NY, 她在哪里读的本科.  凯特选择ISU的博士项目有很多原因.  She was particularly drawn to the Pcyhology Clinic's outreach efforts within the Terre Haute community and its commitment to providing affordable services through a sliding scale fee structure.  Kate's long-term career plans are focused on neuropsychology and working in an integrated helathcare setting.  In addition to developing her therapy and assessment skills, 凯特还积极参与研究.  Her previous 研究 experience was focused on topics such as coral symbiosis and bleaching, 多囊卵巢综合征, 肠脑轴.  目前,她参与了博士. 马尔多纳多的研究实验室, focusing on the effect of transcranial direct current stimulation (Tdcs) on cognition and aging.

心理学 本科 Student Spotlight: LexAnne Fuchs


LexAnne Fuchs is a junior psychology major from Roachdale, Indiana.  LexAnne chose to major in psychology to gain a deeper understandingof human behavior and mental processes.  She has minors in counseling and philosophy and is also part of the honors program.  最近, LexAnne joined the College of Arts and Sciences Student Ambassador (CASSA) board to represent students of the psychology department at the broader college level.  She was recognized last year as one of the Oustanding Sophomore 学生 in 心理学, and one of her most cherished experiences in psychology occurred during the recognition banquet when she was able to introduce her parents to the faculty members who have significantly  influenced her academic journey.  LexAnne's long-term plans are to pursue a master's degree in clinical mental health counseling and become a licensed clinical professional counselor (LCPC).




8:00 – 4:30pm